The greatest success shortcuts are those precious shortcuts that work approximately every time.
As a teenage, WHATEVER you were skilled at taught YOU great shortcuts still in mind now.
Reminding yourself of things you already know may surprise you, as it self-empowers you.
If you're aware, personally cognizant from experience, of any form of empowerment more useful than self-empowerment, share it.
Until then, it's funny to recognize that it REALLY REALLY is as simple as "If it's to be, it's up to me." Who cares more?
Whatever you feel strongest about, your actions make a difference. Great deeds and aspirations need and merit shortcuts.
We can observe and imitate the shortcuts of who says they're good, or we can imitate the people we personally admire.
Who embraces tenets or core principles of the Psychology of Shortcuts remembers cornerstones: "Who does it best."
Imitating people who repeatedly do it best is one of the best five or ten shortcuts of all time, we can agree.
Trial and error efforts are reduced 80 and 90 and more percent when we just watch those who do it best of all.
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With your working website, we also include decidedly expensive backlinks from a number of our other ranked sites.
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High rank on Google, etc. for each site is getting easier and easier:
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That sample of Psychology of Shortcuts-Healthiest of All Attitudes linkage is meant to express the esoteric, in more than one sense.
The more you learn, the wiser your decisions tend to be. You already know that, you simply practice it less than you used to.
Life tends to be great when we are great. Same for being lousy. That automatically makes 'going for the greater' attractive.
Garbage and stress occur in every life, so, the best way for the world to see you is to see how you respond to stress, hm?
Do YOU not form solid and long-lasting opinions about people when you see how they respond, for example, under fire?
Of course you do, we all do! So, smart is the person who uses advance knowledge of an event and its outcome, true?
What if you were to pretend even a moment that the entire world was watching you, or a beloved one who's passed?
Whether you freak out, or laugh at it, or say something witty or sarcastic or resolution-focused, it's choice.
Whatever you choose to do in life, you can be sure that, even in brain surgery, one truth remains steadfast:
"Your attitude will persistently supercede your aptitude in determining your altitude."
THAT's a Powergem: Knowing it in advance puts extraordinary power into the hands of anyone wise enough to use it.
Know that we would all indeed admire your demonstrations of your greatest. This requires your greatest efforts, yes?
The Psychology of Shortcuts exists to remind all of us that it's also, mathematically. about the greatest number of our efforts.
"Please advise if you ever see accidental excellence"
Be the greatest you by finding the people you admire most, and imitating them. Then, add YOUR innovations.
Identify the greatest shortcuts for YOUR endeavors, whatever they are... by finding the masters of that field.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Why not make it one of your best days, by looking forward, upwards?
What action you often repeat can you - will you choose to - get better at TODAY?
You are surrounded by the greatest success shortcuts of all time: Imitate whoever's doing it best!!